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SEO Recovery.

Website traffic flatlined?

Perhaps your website has started to disappear from Google’s search pages. Or maybe despite your best efforts, your site has been languishing around page 10 of results. SEO recovery from iZurch means doing a full diagnostic on your online presence, removing the factors that smother visibility and rehabilitating your search performance.

An icon showing a browser window with a magnifying glass and a coding symbol

Get to the source

Understand exactly where your site’s rankings have declined. Our advanced tools allow us to analyse your ranking drop and strategise your recovery.

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Fix penalties

Has your organic traffic suddenly dropped? It may be due to a Google penalty. Let the iZurch team work things out.

An Icon of a magnifying glass with a Information icon inside, and infront of a browser window

Recover search features

Get back on top. iZurch can help you dominate search features, including local packs, knowledge panels and featured snippets.

Fight the signs of ranking decay.

Ranking drops can occur for a wide variety of reasons. Sometimes it can simply be as a result of Google changing its famous algorithm, shifting the goalposts and causing some sites to tumble through the search results.

Other times it’s due to a site redesign, changed site content or poorly implemented updates. Aggressive competition from competitors can also strip away vital visibility, diverting traffic and potential leads away from you and into the hands of rivals.

SEO recovery from iZurch helps you:

  • Recover organic traffic
  • Regain lost search features
  • Remove penalties and manual actions
  • Identify and fix site health problems
  • Disavow rank-busting toxic backlinks
  • See threats before they result in rank drops

Have years of bad SEO practice caught up with you?

Get on a SEO health kick with iZurch.

SEO is constantly changing. Just as doctors used to recommend Lucky Strike (it’s toasted!), SEO experts used to recommend keyword stuffing, spammy backlinks and all kinds of other tricks designed to improve visibility.

Times have changed, but many websites are still full of outdated and potentially rank-destroying SEO shortcuts. Google detects these and comes down hard on websites – resulting in manual actions, penalties and decimated traffic.

Prevention is better than cure.

Round-the-clock prevention with iZurch.

Our system constantly monitors your online presence (including your website, local listings, social media and more,) and checks for both on-page and external factors that can negatively affect your site.

Our team cures problems before they become an issue, meaning your online presence stays healthy and on the right path for growth.

iZurch is your round-the-clock SEO health monitor. Using our advanced monitoring and data capture tools, iZurch can see site issues that may result in a ranking drop before they have a chance to affect your visibility.

See also: User support, Technical SEO

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